IC University Blog

Julia Curtis

Recent Posts

Digital Detox: How to Dispose of Your Old Tech

Posted by Julia Curtis on May 9, 2024 3:11:13 PM

Smart devices have seamlessly integrated themselves into nearly every aspect of modern life, revolutionizing how we communicate, work, and interact with the world around us. From smartphones and wearable fitness trackers to appliances and smart speakers, these devices offer convenience, connectivity, and functionality like never before. However, their rapid evolution and constant innovation have shortened replacement cycles or created new ones as consumers eagerly upgrade to the latest devices with promises of enhanced performance and new functionalities. The integration of these smart devices, or Internet of Things, is expected to grow from 15.1 billion in 2020 to more than 29 billion devices in 2030. This leaves a lot of devices that are no longer wanted and in need of disposal.

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Topics: Internet of Things (IoT), Security, Regulatory Compliance, Data

Creating a Positive Cybersecurity Culture

Posted by Julia Curtis on Mar 7, 2024 4:21:16 PM

A positive cybersecurity culture empowers organizations to build robust defenses against cyber threats that extend past security tools and into the everyday lives of their workforce. Organizations that foster a culture where individuals actively engage in protecting the organization against potential threats can see a significant reduction in the recovery time of a cyber attack and even the overall likelihood of a successful cyber attack.

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Topics: cybersecurity, Phishing, Employee Training, Security Training

Zero Trust Awareness: Endpoints

Posted by Julia Curtis on Jul 12, 2023 3:28:49 PM

Welcome to the third session of Ironcore’s Zero Trust educational series, Zero Trust – Endpoints.

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Topics: Security, cybersecurity, Technology, Zero Trust, Endpoints

Ironcore, Inc. and Beauceron Security Announce One-of-a-Kind Partnership

Posted by Julia Curtis on Jun 14, 2023 3:30:01 PM

(Onalaska, WI) June 14, 2023 - Ironcore, Inc., a provider of security, technology, and private cloud solutions for financial institutions, has partnered with Beauceron Security, a fast-growing B2B cybersecurity company that helps organizations of all sizes reduce the human aspects of cyber risk.

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Topics: cybersecurity, Community Banking, Employee Training, Press Release, Beauceron, Security Training

Zero Trust Awareness: Identity

Posted by Julia Curtis on Apr 24, 2023 10:51:37 AM

Welcome to the second session of Ironcore’s Zero Trust educational series, Zero Trust – Identity. 

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Topics: Security, cybersecurity, Technology, Zero Trust, Identity

Zero Trust Awareness: Data

Posted by Julia Curtis on Mar 9, 2023 10:15:00 AM

Welcome to the first installment of Ironcore’s Zero Trust educational series; Zero Trust – Data!

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Topics: Security, cybersecurity, Technology, Zero Trust, Data, Data Classification

Introducing Our Zero Trust Series

Posted by Julia Curtis on Jan 31, 2023 2:58:49 PM

You may have heard the phrase, “Zero Trust Cyber Security” recently.  However, most people outside of cyber security professionals, don’t really understand what this means.  Ironcore would like to help change that. 

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Topics: Security, cybersecurity, Technology, Zero Trust

CBAI chooses IRONCORE as this year’s Provider of the Year

Posted by Julia Curtis on Oct 11, 2022 2:09:31 PM

The Community Bankers of Illinois (CBAI) partners with many companies that help give community banks an edge and drive innovation. Each year, CBAI recognizes a standout partner that has exceeded expectations for delivering value to CBAI member banks. This year’s Service Provider of the Year is IRONCORE, Inc. 

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Topics: CBAI, Preferred Provider, Provider of the Year

Password Managers: Never forgetting a password again leads to better, more secure password practices.

Posted by Julia Curtis on Sep 8, 2022 3:13:42 PM

When it comes to the security of your data, the importance of keeping your passwords safe is critical. Over 80% of hacking-related breaches are due to compromised passwords. Unfortunately, poor password habits are widespread. On average, a single password is used to access five different accounts; overall, 71% of accounts utilize duplicate passwords.

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Topics: Security, Password Manager, Password

Playing with Danger: The Security Concerns of Smart Toys

Posted by Julia Curtis on Dec 17, 2020 3:27:55 PM

Our data is collected daily. With security breaches as a common threat, it is important to take precautions in order to keep our data safe, but what about our children’s data? We commonly think of data collection as something that only happens on screened devices while interacting with websites. Your child might not have perused Black Friday sales online, but is there something else that may be collecting their data?

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Topics: Security, Internet of Things, Smart Toys, IOT