IC University Blog

The 5 Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services

Posted by Lauren on Jul 10, 2018 10:00:00 AM
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The 5 Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services 


What is Outsourcing? 

Outsourcing is a practice in which an individual or company performs tasks, provides services or manufactures products for another company -- functions that could have been or is usually done in-house. Outsourcing is typically used by companies to save costs. Below are five other reasons why outsourcing may be what your small to medium business needs. 


1) Focus on what matters, your business


Every business has limited time and attention. Outsourcing can help your business to shift its focus from peripheral activities toward work that serves the customer, and it can help managers set their priorities more clearly. 


2) Reduce Risk

Every business carries an amount of risk. It can be easier to outsource specific areas of your business that have many regulations. Being aware of the potential risks involved and having an ability to monitor, evaluate and manage these risks are critical. 


3) Trained & Certified Staff 


You will gain trained, experienced, qualified, and certified technicians. The best way to assure your customer is making sure that you have expert staff who are professionals and experienced in what they do. 


4) 24/7/365 Monitoring 


Most IT providers' offer 24/7/365 remote monitoring services to ensure your network remains secure even when you are not working. The techs can also deploy updates and patches needed to keep your network in tip-top shape. 


5) Level the Playing Field


Small businesses cannot afford to match the in-house support services. Outsourcing can help small firms feel superior by giving them access to the same efficiency, and expertise those large companies enjoy. 




Bucki, James. “Top 7 Outsourcing Advantages .” The Balance , 6 July 2017, www.thebalance.com/top-outsourcing-advantages-2533765.

Rouse, Margaret. TechTarget, searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/outsourcing. 

“The Benefits of Outsourcing for Small Businesses.” All Business , www.allbusiness.com/the-benefits-of-outsourcing-for-small-businesses-2-1084-1.html.

Topics: Managed Services, Outsourcing